Thursday 2 July 2015

How to Update Old Site to Maintain Google Rankings? Take the Advise from Matt Cutts

Webmasters of older domains sometimes find it hard to maintain their Google rankings due to the updates Google does on a regular basis. Here is some piece of advice from Matt Cutts regarding how you should maintain Google rankings if you have an older domain:

New sites that provide a better user experience have every chance of taking over the older domains. The older domain should continue to evolve and adapt every time. Just because you are a domain that has been established and has been from quite a long time does not mean you will automatically keep ranking.

For older domains it is necessary to take a fresh look in your layout in order to provide the best user experience. Something that is fresh and is of value to the end user matters more to Google as compared to the one that has grown stale and has not been updated from a long period of time.

Some of the new domains have fantastic designs, people might prefer migrating to the newer domains leaving the older domains.

Have a look at the video below:

Also See:

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Site Wide Links
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Importance of Backlinks in Seo

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