Thursday 2 July 2015

Creating Google Friendly Sites


Every webmaster wants to rank his/her website on the first page of Google with respect to their main business keywords. The best way to make this possible is by creating Google friendly sites. Here are some guidelines that would help you create Google friendly sites:-

Have Quality and Original Content

Content is the most important part of your website. Having quality,original and informative content helps to get the love of Google. Freshness of the content is also an important factor while considering the real value of content. Hence, have a site that is full of content which is fresh, original and answers exactly what the user is searching for.

Have Proper Site Structure

The structure of the site and navigation should be user friendly as well as search engine friendly. Having user friendly urls helps to get more visibility and more clicks. Proper site structure and sitemaps makes the site easily crawlable and gets the love of Google.

Use Proper Title and Meta Tags

Site must have proper title and meta tags. This helps the user as well as the search engines to easily recognize the contents of the webpage and also helps to increase the CTR of the website. The title and the description gets displayed on the search engine results page. Having relevant title and meta tags gives your website an upper hand.

Have Proper Social Sharing Widgets

Social media has grown in importance over the years. It is recommended to have proper social sharing widgets on your site so that it becomes easier for the user to share your site's content. This helps to increase the visibility of your content and makes your site popular. Sites that are popular gets the attention of Google.

Obtain Natural Links

Search engines love websites that are having lots of natural backlinks. The concept is simple, lots of natural backlinks, references and citations means lots of love.

There is no Secret Formula --- Follow the User!!

It must be kept in mind that there is no secret formula to rank high on the search engines. It requires continuous effort and lots of hard work to provide the information which the user is looking. Only then, the users would share your site, create natural backlinks helping your website get the maximum love of Google.

Recommended reading:- Follow webmaster guidelines

(Disclaimer:- The information given above is my personal opinion based on internet guides and public forums. I do not provide any guarantee whatsoever that the above information is correct  and can positively effect your rankings.)  

Also See:- 

Importance of Content for Seo
What is Good Content?
Seo Best Practices
Seo for 2013
Social Signals and Seo
Mobile Seo Best Practices
How to Create Backlinks That Google Loves
How to Make Your Website More User Friendly
Battle of Ranking Continues
Top Seo Ranking Factors
Page Speed Important For Improving Ranking
How to Rank in Google
Authority and Relevance Seo Gold Coins
Seo Secrets

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