Tuesday 30 June 2015

New Adwords Extension "Test it Out" to Directly Test URL's From Ads Itself

Adwords is testing a new ad extension "Enter a URL- Test it out" where it will allow the advertisers to directly display a box where users can enter any URL in order to test them as per the product offered by the advertiser. Have a look at the below screenshot:

This looks amazing, isn't it? With this new adwords extension, web domain related businesses like backlink checkers, website testers, domain registrars etc will all have a good time and generate even more leads. 

This new extension was tweeted by Cyrus Shepherd of Moz

Currently, this ad is in testing status and was used by Optimizely. Might be in future more and more businesses will be using this extension in order to generate ROI. 

What are your thoughts on this new extension? 

Also See:

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