Tuesday 30 June 2015

Facebook Graph Search Optimization (GSO) Guide

The launch of Facebook Graph Search offered a new way of searching for information within your social circles. This information is presented in a manner that it could easily be  trusted as it is shared by your friends and relatives. But, searching via Facebook Graph Search is a little different and not all queries would satisfy the user needs.Graph Search is useful when you want to find very specific information. It answers natural language queries and uses semantic relationship to find out the relevant results. It finds the results from a user's network of friends. Some examples are shared below:-

Restaurants in New York my friends visit often
Photos of my friends in Alabama
Dentists my friends visit
People who like Seo and are from New Delhi
Music my friends listen to
My friends from St. Joseph's College
the list goes on and on....

Now, here comes the twist, how can the businesses make use of this power of Facebook in increasing the visibility of their brand ? The answer lies in Facebook Graph Search Optimization (GSO). This is similar to SEO, the only difference is that it only optimizes your presence on Facebook and not on the search engines. Facebook makes use of its own data shared by its billion user database. This is an enormous chunk of data which it can heavily rely upon.

Before, I share the tactics you will use to gain greater visibility on Facebook, let us first understand how this works?

How Facebook Graph Search Works?

Graph Search works by finding out a semantic relationship of the user query which are not just keywords but a keyphrase intended to find the exact information based upon the user's network of friends. The search query limit is of 112 characters. It finds information on objects like Pages, Public Posts, Groups, Applications, Events etc. It applies filters bases on user's network of friends and presents the results accordingly.
Graph Search Optimization

Example Query

Suppose we search with the query "Restaurants in Delhi, India my friends visited", Facebook returns the following results which consists of Pages.

It also allows you refine your search as per the following refinements:-

Place Type 


Liked By


Places In 

Visited By

Graph Search Optimization Tips

To optimize your brands presence on Graph Search, follow the tips shared below:-

  • Get a Business Page
  • Share Unique Posts that Drive Engagement
  • Claim Pages for all Physical Locations
  • Update Vanity Url and Fill in Business Keywords
  • Increase Likes
  • Increase Check Ins (If you have a hotel business)
  • Remain Active
  • Encourage Comments
  • Increase your Post Visibility
  • Fill in accurate contact details, have images and videos
  • Tag Photos
  • Encourage your customers to take part in discussions
  • Offer something for free and drive engagement
  • Make people talk and share content related to your brand
  • Increase your brand's presence on social circles

Also See:- 

Facebook Graph Search Vs Google Search
Launch of Facebook Graph Search
Facebook Voice Messages
Social Signals and Seo
Measure Your Social Media Influence
Seo Content Copywriting Basics
Seo Secrets
Seo Tutorial
How to Make Full Use of Google Authorship Profile

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