Wednesday 7 January 2015

Google Penguin 2.1 update: Who Got Hit?

Google Penguin 2.1 update: Who Got Hit? lets discuss about the issues and tips to recover. Penguin 2.1 appears to have identified newer link spam – those links that were created at a after date than the Penguin 2.0 rollout in May 22nd.

Lets see about the link spam,

 Forum spam: This indicates comments in forums with exact match anchor text links.

  Forum bio spam: Biographies of forum users containing exact match anchor text links.

 "Do follow" blogs: Blogs that don't add nofollow to the links posted."Let's face it," Gabe said. "Being listed on do-follow resource sitescan absolutely send Google a signal that you are trying to game

  Blogroll spam: Watch for blogroll links gone wrong.

 "If you are unsecure  which ones are bad and which ones are good, ask for help from a Expert."
  Spammy directories: If you've used spammy directories in the past,and still have links out there, then disavow them.
 Most important thing is the below point,

 Blog comment signature spam: Google seems to be targeting these links even when they're not followed!


•       Understand that Penguin heavily targets aberrant(unnatural) links.Your new agreeable and amusing action will not activate a recovery.

•       Thoroughly assay your link profile, while befitting a agog eye on exact bout and affluent ballast text. That's what Penguin targets.

•       Remove those links if you can, and abjure the actual links. And use the area abettor in the abjure book if the area is low-quality.

        1)Don’t try and ambition specific URLs on a spammy domain, if you can nuke the absolute domain.

•      Make abiding added aberrant links aren’t getting added as time goes on. After blockage their link profiles, you can acutely see added spammy links were added during the spring, summer, and fall. This is what got them hit by Penguin 2.1.

•       Be Very fast in your recovery work and so there is a achievability of accretion above-mentioned to the next official Penguin update.

If you have any queries., we  discuss it here!

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