Wednesday 7 January 2015

Does a website get a better overall ranking if it has a more amount of indexed pages?

  Matt Cutts said  Larger Websites with more Pages don't automatically rank higher on google.Lets see this explanation briefly which is already available in youtube[video].

Does a website get a bigger all-embracing baronial if it has a ample bulk of indexed pages?

 Google's Distinguished Engineer Matt Cutts said that a website with a ample amount of pages will not automatically rank bigger than others. So abacus added pages to your website will not advice your home page automatically rank bigger than abate sites.

 However, Cutts said that a website with added pages will by itself get added cartage because anniversary of those alone pages can aswell rank for their own set of seek queries, accretion the all-embracing befalling for sites to accretion visitors.

 Cutts fatigued how links aswell accord to rankings, something that a beyond website generally has added of naturally.

"Now about if the website does accept added pages, it ability accept added links pointing to it, which agency it has college PageRank," Cutts said. "If that is the case we ability be accommodating to clamber a little bit added into the website and if it has college PageRank, afresh we ability anticipate it's a little bit of a bigger bout for users queries.

"So those are some that factors involved, just accepting a big website with a lot of pages by itself does not automatically advise a addition but if you accept a lot of links or a lot of PageRank, that is arch to added ample aural your site, afresh that ability be the array of indicator that conceivably sites would rank just a little bit higher," Cutts said.

So already again, while accepting a ample website is great, those entering links are still traveling to play a key role in rankings, abundant added so than a beyond website.

 "Again just accepting the amount of pages doesn't accord you a addition though," Cutts added. "It ability accord you a few added opportunities, but commonly the alone acumen you get that befalling is because we see added links to your website so we are accommodating to clamber a little bit added and acquisition added pages to index.

Bottom line: a beyond website doesn't automatically accord you a college ranking, but the aftereffects of accepting a beyond site, such as accepting added pages and added abeyant for anyone to hotlink to your website as able-bodied as accepting all-embracing seek cartage on those centralized pages, does help.

Having a ample website is great, but already afresh you charge to ensure that you accept entering links to your website in adjustment to advice it rank and get college PageRank.

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