Saturday 3 January 2015

5 Best Social SEO Tips for Small Businesses

Social SEO as they are one of the most influential in terms of rankings. Following are a few social SEO tips that your business could benefit from –

Fill out Maximum Information – All social media sites prompt you to fill out information about your business and being descriptive in the ‘About’ field is of much help. Link your social pages to your website and vice versa.

Build a Rapport – By connecting with your users and providing engaging content, you stand a better chance of being a preferable business to deal with. By continually updating your content, you bring freshness to into the equation which is ranked highly by both humans and Google.

Build a Personalised URL – Make sure your business name features prominently in the URL for your social media websites. Not only does this lead to recall value for your website but also helps Google connect your keywords to your business’ name.

Allow Multi-platform sharing – By putting share buttons on your webpage for various social sites like Pinterest, Google+, Facebook, Twitter and more, you can help in making your content available to a wider audience. More shares = Better rankings.

Google + for added advantage – Use this Google platform for your business’ advantage. By adding more people to your posts using the +1 feature, you share it with them and enable them to share it further.

By following these starter SEO tips for small businesses, you can grow your reach and have great positive implications for your business.

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