Sunday 5 July 2015

Social Media Business Demographics


Social Media has changed the way businesses promoted their products and services. These sites are used to identify and attract new customers. Many of the brands use social media to educate the customers about their products and services or to increase the brand awareness.

Creating business success through social media:- (From the infographic shared below)

1- Create a business profile on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
2- Start social networking with peers.
3- Experiment with social media tools.
4- Use Twitter daily.
5- Learn from the experts.
6- Determine how your success will be measured.
7- Do not spend too much time online.
8- Embrace customer reviews.
9- Consider using Groupon.
10- Ask each visitor and customer how they heard about business.
11- Remember it make take 6 months or more to measure results.

The below infographic originally published on zhsocial displays the social media business demographics in a clear and interesting manner.

social media business demographics
Social Media Business Demographics (Image credit:- Zhsocial)

Also See:- 

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