Monday 6 July 2015

Check Out The New Twitter Analytics Dashboard

The Google Analytics for tweets has finally launched! This new dashboard is free for everyone who has an active Twitter account. It is called as the Twitter Analytics Dashboard and it allows you to measure and boost the impact of your Twitter account. 

What Does Twitter Analytics Offer?

The all new Twitter Analytics lets you:

1- Measure the engagement received on your tweets. You can see the impressions your tweet received along with the engagement rate. The replies and promoted tweets statistics are also included in this column. This dashboard is called the "Tweet Activity Dashboard".

2- Explore the interests, locations, and demographics of your followers. You can chek out the top interests of your followers, the top cities your followers are from and also some profile links of other users your followers follow. This dashboard is called the "Followers Dashboard".

3- Track how your Twitter Cards drive clicks, app installs, and Retweets. This dashboard is called the "Twitter Cards Dashboard".

You can see all these dashboards after you log into Twitter Analytics using this link -

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