Saturday 4 July 2015

10 Avinash Kaushik Videos for Learning Google Analytics

Avinash Kaushik is the Digital Marketing Evangelist for Google. Having started his career with Intuit, Avinash went on to become one of the most respected Digital Marketing Specialists in this world.

Avinash has several videos related to Google Analytics where he shares his experience and love for data. Analytics is all about identifying valuable metrics available in the form of raw data and Avinash teaches us how to play with this data. His books, Web Analytics 2.0 and Web Analytics an Hour a Day are a must read for a newbie. Also, I recommend every internet marketer to read his personal blog.

Here are 10 most popular videos of Avinash Kaushik that teaches us several critical aspects of working with Google Analytics:

1- Why Bounce Rate is the Most Powerful and Sexiest Metric?

2- How to Use Google Analytics for Non E-commerce Websites

3- Creating a Data Driven Culture

4- How to Increase Return on Investment (ROI) - Avinash Kaushik's Interview with Stephen Woessner

5- Successful Google Analytics Approaches

6- Driving Big Action Through Analytics

7- Web Analytics Q&A With Avinash and Nick Mihailovski 

8- Analytics Academy with Justin Cutroni

9- The Art of Marketing

10- Google Analytics Visits Change - Impact, Implications and Benefits

Also See:

Analytics Interview Questions and Answers
100 FREE Tutorials for Learning Analytics

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