Monday 29 June 2015

Link Building Tips for E-commerce Sites

E-commerce website are those sites which are involved in selling some products to the consumers. These sites consists of several thousands of pages and doing proper seo is extremely necessary to make these sites popular and get lots of organic traffic to the website. We all know, getting lots of organic traffic from search engines like Google requires your site to have lots of quality and natural backlinks.

The infographic shared below shares some of the vital tips as how to build backlinks to an Ecommerce site?

Here are some of the main tips explained in this Ecommerce link building infographic:-

  • Leverage internal linking
  • Leverage on Guest Posting, Infographic, social media and link baiting
  • Write unique content for all your products
  • Opt for content marketing, search engine marketing and social marketing
  • Build links to category pages
  • Do video marketing etc.

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