Saturday, 27 June 2015

How to Tackle the Rolling Panda Updates?

With Google recently announcing the integration of Panda update into their search algorithm, the roll out would come out more often making it a continuous updated algorithm but less noticeable. The webmasters must be in a fuzz as to how to tackle the future Panda updates which would come out more often.

Coming to the other side of the story, can we think it as a positive approach towards improving the overall search behaviour? What if a Panda actually helps your website to gain rankings as opposed to the fear of losing rankings. This post would give you an idea as to how can you tackle the rolling Panda updates to positively affect your search engine rankings.

Pandas roam on the World Wide Web looking for websites having scraped content, duplicate content, less user friendly content, one sided article that does not covers all the points clearly and devalue them by decreasing their search engine rankings.

The first and the foremost thing you must do is to scrape out all the duplicate content present on the site. Next step would be to find out the pages which provide content on exactly similar topics but with different keyword variations. You need to rewrite all these contents so that it grabs the user love.

Pandas love content that is fresh and to tell you a secret, sites that are updated often gets an increase in rankings for their targeted keywords for a stipulated period of time (as long as the content remains fresh). The base line is, keep your content fresh and your rankings will remain high. This is the positive aspect of this update.

The other thing to make your site loved by Pandas is to become a trusted name in your niche. Brands do matter and if you are making a brand instead of making a keyword ranked website, you have good chances of befriending a Panda. Earn citations, affiliations and local listings within your niche so that Google finds your site to be in good terms with the audience.

Do not forget to make use of your Google Authorship profile as it is one of the most trusted ways by Google to recognize authority content within a niche. The point to note here is that you need to verify Google Authorship and start gathering more and more author rank within your niche. Content associated with trusted authors remains in good touch with Google and Pandas are looking for reputed authors.

For brands which find it difficult to associate themselves as a single source of authorship may take the help of several reputed authors within the industry and gather cumulative power of more than one author.

Follow Wikipedia whenever you find it difficult as to how can you organize content within your site. By saying follow Wikipedia, I am not saying to copy Wikipedia's content, don't do that. A small hint is sufficient for an intelligent person. Make every possible effort to provide comprehensive information on your site.

Some of the other factors you must bring into notice is the bounce rate and the time spent by the visitors on the site. The bounce rate should be minimal while the time spent on the site should be maximum. Take the help of Google Webmasters Tool and analyze these elements in complete detail.

Have a look at these points shared below in making a high quality site:-

Building a high quality site
Essential points for building a high quality site (Source:- Google Webmasters Blog)

Lastly, make sure to follow the Google Webmaster Guidelines

Also See:- 

Google Panda Update Will Continue to Roll
Seo Checklist to Panda Proof Your Website
Google Panda Update 22
Google Panda Update 21
Google Panda Update Number 20
Google Panda 3.9.1
Learn Seo
Seo Strategies for the Year 2013
Are You Making Your Website Vulnerable to Future Google Updates
Seo Best Practices
List of Useful Seo Documents
Seo Secrets
Meta Tags
What is Good Content?
How to Present Content on a Website?

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