Tuesday, 9 June 2015

How to Make SEO Work For You?

Many webmasters often feel that Seo is some strange science which does not gives the intended results. Does this really holds true? This post would give you an insight into how can you make SEO really work for your website.

Making SEO Work For You

Put the seo blocks in the right place (Image credit - bridgelinedigital.com)

Study Seo as an Art as well as Science

Seo is considered both as an art and science. It is an art because it requires you to plan your strategies creatively and it is a science because it works on certain principles. Hence, in order to make Seo work for you it is required to study seo both as an art and science.

Seo is Art

Seo requires you to plan a creative marketing plan which involves determining seo objectives, writing meta tags, writing content, promoting sites on social networks etc. While doing any of these seo tasks, one needs to be careful and make something unique for their audience. Remember copying does not helps in the long run. If you are unique and follow an innovative approach then seo would surely work for you.

- Plan out a user friendly website structure.
- Have content created for the user.
- Content should be original and unique.
- Every webpage must have proper meta tags and title tags.
- Write the meta tags from marketers point of view that would help in pursuing users to click your site. The keywords should be used intelligently.
- Determine your audience and promote your site accordingly.
- Have a separate for Global and Local audiences.
- Share linkable content.
- Allow social sharing on your site.
- Build you link bait campaign creatively.

Seo is Science

Seo requires you to follow certain rules and guidelines all for a reason. Search engines suggests you t follow certain guidelines and this is where the science works. You need to plan your strategy keeping in mind the guidelines issued by the search engines.

- Read and follow search engine guidelines by heart.
- Understand the metrics that works behind the curtains.
- Understand the algorithms that helps to present the best search results.
- Learn about concepts related to seo like LSI, Tf-Idf, Page Rank, Domain Authority, Bounce Rate etc.
- Study and analyze the factors working behind Panda and Penguin factors.
- Carefully analyze the metrics offered by Google Analytics and Google Webmasters.

Think Long Term Although Short Term Looks More Lucrative

Business owners always want the results within a short period of time but forget to realize this fact that Seo is a long term investment and not a short term magic. Many of the webmasters have got instant results within a short period of time by going too far beyond the suggested guidelines only to realize that their site are either being penalized or are being totally neglected by the user. The reason site that are created and promoted specifically for the search engines do not sustain in the long run. Instead, sites that are created for the user and promoted in a manner which always benefits the user receives the biggest share of the top pie. Hence, a better approach is to have patience in Seo and follow a long term strategy to make Seo really work for you.

Also See:- 

3 Seo Fundamentals Every Webmaster Should Follow
Seo Copywriting
Benefits of Seo
How to make your website more user friendly
How to design Seo friendly web page
Following the Kiss approach in Seo
Seo Skills
Top 10 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Site
Mobile Seo
Seo Secrets
Authority and Relevance in Seo
Top Seo Tips

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