Sunday 28 June 2015

How to Create a Video Sitemap?

Creating a video sitemap is necessary if your site has video content which you want Google to cache faster. This is must for news sites or sites having frequently updated video content.

Example of Video Sitemap

<urlset xmlns=""
       <video:title>Google Video Sitemap</video:title>
       <video:description>This video shows how to create a video sitemap</video:description>
       <video:player_loc allow_embed="yes" autoplay="ap=1"></video:player_loc>
       <video:restriction relationship="allow">IE GB US CA</video:restriction>
       <video:gallery_loc title="Seo Videos"></video:gallery_loc>
       <video:price currency="EUR">2.56</video:price>
       <video:uploader info="">Joydeep

As shown in the example above, you may create your own video sitemap as per your website's requirements. After your video sitemap gets created, you may submit it to Google via Webmasters Tools.

Note: Limitation of video sitemaps are 50000 entries per sitemap. If you have more videos then it is recommended to create more than one sitemap and specify each of the separate sitemaps on one index sitemap.

For more information on submitting video sitemaps to Google, please watch the video given below:-

Also See:- 

XML Sitemaps
Sitemap.html Vs Sitemap.xml
Mobile Seo
Seo Checklist
Types of Crawl Errors
Getting Listed on Search Engines

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