Wednesday 21 January 2015

Top 10 beginners guide for bloggers good in blogging

Top 10 beginners guide for bloggers good in blogging

I am quite sure there are many great minds out there who know how to play magic of words. Many of you must have thought to transform this magic in enchanting blogs but couldn’t actually work your thoughts out because you don’t know how to do it. Let me help you out with some very useful tips. 

how to blog blogging blogger
  • Sign up for a blogging site. :                                                                         There are many blogging sites on the internet such as hostgator,, hub pages etc. First step to set up your blog is signing up for any of the site of your choices and setting up a profile.
  • Make your identity:                                                                                       before starting a blog you should be sure about exactly what you want to write, be it for promotion of your business or some cooking recipes or you are writing just for fun. Your blog will be your identity be sure from the beginning what you want to be identified as.
  • Quality blog:                                                                                               The content of your blog should be unique, interesting, precise and helpful. The topic should be carefully chosen as to define the whole content. A blog broken in headings and points encourage more viewers to actually read your content. Adding key phrases to your content can make it search engine optimized and likely to increase traffic to your blog.
  • Attraction:                                                                                                       You should know what kind of audience you are targeting and add attractions such as images, videos etc to your blog accordingly. Obviously its relativity to the content is very essential.                                                                                                                 
    Blogging platform blogger
  • Continuity:                                                                                                       Once you start a blog it is recommended to stay consistent. A regularly updated blog is more likely to attract morereaders then a static one.
  • Interaction:                                                                                                     Make the readers feel valued by letting them to leave comments on your blog. Give positive response to their comments and make them realize that you value their opinion. This will encourage them to read your other blogs as well and follow you permanently.
  • Publicity:                                                                                                       This is the key to success. There are many ways to advertise your blog. Post links of your blog on social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter etc. Ask your friends to re-share the links. Another way to advertise your blog is to contact other bloggers and ask them to do so and you do the same for them as well.
  • Activity:                                                                                                          It is important that you stay active and participate in conversations of other bloggers as well. Comment on their posts, give references of your blogs and leave back links.
  • Exploring:                                                                                                     Daily new changes are made to the blogging sites, some new toolbar added, old ones removed. You should always keep exploring for the new options to improve your blog.
  • Be ready to fail:                                                                                              Blogging is not easy as many people would take it. Like any other thing it takes time to expertise. Be kind to yourself. It really doesn’t matter if your first blog post doesn’t have as much traffic as you expected. The key is to keep trying. Take help of the other bloggers, learn from your mistakes and eventually you will succeed.

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