Wednesday 21 January 2015

Manage your Bounce Rate on Blogger blog

How to Manage your Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is a term which is very important to a blogger. It is a state that a blogger and webmaster must keep an eye on as it has many effects on your blog and website. So let’s begin with what is a bounce rate?

What Is Bounce Rate?

If you check Google Analytics and Alexa analytics, you will find a term called “Bounce Rate” and it helps in showing some stats. For example If Bounce rate is 70%.What does this term mean? It means that 70% people who visited your blog don’t think that they have to visit some other page of your blog. In simple terms 70% people who visited your blog just viewed one page.

This could mean fewthings

·         Information is not good.

·         You have not linked the page to other pages on your blog in a proper manner.

·         You need to fix some things in order to get bounce rate down.

Best Bounce Rate

Well, ideally we would want all our visitors to stay on our blog forever. Practically, it is good to achieve as low as possible bounce rate. Getting a bounce rate of 20% to 30% would be great.

To Decrease Bounce Rate

The truth is that reducing bounce rate is child’s play if the content on your blog is exceptional. There is an old saying thatContent is King. But you are in a lot of trouble if you have scrapped, thin and copied content. No one likes such content and your blog won’t be able to attract much traffic.

Link to Inner Pages

Linking lot of related pages together can cut your bounce rate by half. This is an important thing to do for reducing bounce rate. You should have your other blog posts in mind and add links to those posts wherever you feel it’s appropriate.

Linking to the following page types help indecreasing bounce rate of a blog

·         Archive Pages

·         Category Pages

·         Tags

Usually when some visitor clicks through these pages, they end up clicking on other pages as well. So linking to such pages has a good effect in bring down bounce rate. You also need to be careful not to overdo the inner page linking.Over-linking to inner pages can lead you to Google penalty, which is something you should avoid

Link Out Less

If you link your blog to too many blogs, then people might end of going to those blogs instead of continuing with blog. So make sure you limit the number of external pages you link to.But if the link is helpful to your blog post, you must go for it.You can use target=”_blank” tag for making sure that when people click on some external links on your blog, they are able to open the link in a new tab.

Reduce Number of Ads

If you think that you will earn lot of money by lot of ads, then think again. Having too many ads kills a blog. Your bounce rates can reach 90 to 95% if you have too many ads on your blog. Keep the ads to a minimum number, use max 3 ads on a page of your blog.

Use Bounce Rate Decreasing Widgets

Use the following widgets

·         Recent Posts

·         Popular Post

·         Recently Reviewed

·         Most Commented

·         Tags

·         Categories

These widgets help in drawing attention of visitors and helps in getting lot of clicks, when this happens you get more pageviews and thus reduces the bounce rate.

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