Saturday 3 January 2015

Four Reasons Why Social Media Marketing Will Drastically Help Your Business Value

Free Advertising: Unlike most advertising strategies, social media marketing is free. But even if it wasn't, it would likely pay for itself due to the boost in sales. A business Facebook fan page, just like a personal Facebook account, serves the purpose of connecting with people for free. Just as it can help you connect with old and new friends, it can help your business connect with loyal customers as well as entice new customers to check out your business. If nothing else, social media marketing will inevitably increase sales without having to spend a dime.

Sense Of Community: It's your best friend's birthday. Are you more likely to suggest a restaurant that you pass on your way to work every day, or will you opt for the one that's constantly in your newsfeed on various social sites with customer reviews and daily deals? It's kind of a no-brainer. Businesses present on social media networks create a "we're your friend" dynamic between the employees and customers. No matter how strategically located your business may be, customers will almost always choose the establishment with the best customer relations. Why? Because customers want to feel important and appreciated, and social media marketing gives them a sense of community that actually allows that.

Wide Demographic: In today's society, social media has become a staple in most of our lives. In fact, there are social media sites for almost every demographic. Pinterest, for example, is used mostly by women. Therefore, a beauty magazine or wedding planner could highly benefit from a site as such. On the other hand, there are mobile apps like Foursquare that appeal to both men and women equally, and can be used to market virtually any type of business. Other social media sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook target different parts of the population as well. The more social media exposure your business has, the more potential customers you will reach.

Your competitors have beaten you to it: Even if your business isn't present on social media sites, don't be too quick to assume that your competition isn't either. As mentioned earlier, social media has not only become a staple in many of our lives, but a part of our culture. Successful businesses will agree that social media marketing is a fantastic way to drive sales, but more importantly, a way to separate you from your competitor. Social media gives businesses a chance to have a voice other than an advertised slogan or logo. It provides customers with a sense of what your business stands for, while simultaneously forming a personal connection.


Elynn Fish is the Founder and President of The Fish Firm of which specializes in using New Media To Turn Modern Marketing Into Money by helping small business owners and entrepreneurs increase online sales and attract new business.  

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