Wednesday 7 January 2015

A Brief Introduction about PPC Campaign

Everybody know what exactly is PPC or please refer to

There are people who are not sure about the  different kinds of advertising that you can do on the Internet and paid search is one of them.So today we are  going to deal about how to structure a proper PPC campaign.

If you don't structure a campaign properly, they wont perform well.First you have your account with Google, Yahoo or Bing and with that  only you are able to create PPC campaigns. Within your PPC campaigns you have ad groups. You should note that within a campaign you should expect to see multiple ad groups, all containing different keywords. What you want to do is link up closely related keywords and put them together in an ad group. Within an ad group you've got your ad text, which should closely match the keywords that you've got within that ad group. 

Important Note with an Example:
Let me say that  you want to run a PPC ad to sell Books. You'll want to put the word “free” as a negative keyword in your PPC campaign. This will stop your ad from appearing in search results with people searching for anything with the word “free” in it.
The next is your budget that you want to set for each PPC Ad.The budget is set at a campaign level – how much you can afford to pay on a daily basis. Following that, you want to set your ad word bids. These are called maximum CPCs.

*Maximum CPC- If someone clicks your ad, that click won't cost you more than the maximum cost-per-click bid (or "max. CPC") that you set. For example, if you set a $2 max. CPC bid, you'll never pay more than $2 for each click on your ad. The actual amount that you pay is called the actual CPC and is shown in your account's "Avg. CPC" column. 

In the next Session,we can discuss about the importance of measuring  success of your PPC campaign.

 Stay Tuned..

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