Saturday, 3 January 2015

5 Questions to Ask Before Outsourcing Your Social Media Services

With the strong emergence of social media in the Internet marketing world, every Tom, Dick and Harry has come out saying they are social media experts.

To choose the best social media consultant for your company, ask them the following five questions:

1. When engaging in social media marketing, will you keep my targeted audience in mind? Most social media companies will focus on making the connection, but it needs to be targeted.

2. Do you create a system to take the online conversation offline? You need to have a system that consistently gets your website and information in front of your prospects.

3. How engaged are you in social media conversations? Your social media consultant must understand direct response copy writing techniques that encourages conversation.

4. When focusing on social media profiles, do you focus strictly on keyword optimization and being found first for your niche? If you want to create a connection, you need to have prospect-focused copy within the profile.

5. How can you ensure that my social media messaging stays consistent with my branding? You need someone who will keep your brand in check and work to reinforce it through social media. 


Elynn Fish is the Founder and President of The Fish Firm of which specializes in using New Media To Turn Modern Marketing Into Money by helping small business owners and entrepreneurs increase online sales and attract new business.  

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