Saturday, 3 January 2015

13 Questions That Will Lead You To Your Perfect Marketing Strategy

A marketing strategy is how you plan to use the resources available to you to build an ongoing case that your business, products and services are the obvious choice for a narrowly defined ideal customer.

If you accept this expanded view of marketing strategy then I would suggest you answer the following questions in an attempt to measure where your strategy stands today and where it could go if your understood and integrated it fully as your business model.

Here are the 13 questions to ask yourself! 
  1. What about this job, work, or organization are you passionate about?
  2. How does this business serve a higher purpose for you and your customers?
  3. What value do you really bring that benefits your market in ways that your competitors wouldn’t dream of proposing
  4. What’s the dominant personality trait that you need your customers to associate with your business?
  5. What does an ideal client look like?
  6. What is the simple 10-word core message that explains and excites?
  7. How will your market become aware of your business?
  8. How will your market come to trust that you have the answers?
  9. What are the revenue sources that you can tap to grow this business?
  10. Can you describe the perfect customer experience throughout your organization?
  11. What resource gaps and constraints do you need to overcome to achieve your strategy?
  12. What partnerships do you need to create in order to achieve your strategy?
  13. What would the result of using this strategy model to run your business look like?
Tell us questions you would add in the comments below! 


Elynn Fish is the Founder and President of The Fish Firm of which specializes in using New Media To Turn Modern Marketing Into Money by helping small business owners and entrepreneurs increase online sales and attract new business.  

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